That was her name. I know nothing about her, except for her name. The beautiful girl whom I met on the Nilgiri mountains. I’d never forget her, as she was the first and maybe the last love of my life. The three days I spent with her were the best moments I ever lived!
Three days with her and yet the only thing I know about her is her name! Well... a little more than her name 'maybe'.
Mom, dad and I planned to visit Ooty as soon as my examinations were over. The tickets were booked for the very next day of the last exam. We decided to go there by train, it was on my insist, as I wished to pass by Mother Nature during the journey. The scenery outside the train was as soothing as we had imagined it to be. We reached in the evening. When I kept my foot outside, the first things I saw were the place and the people around me. I always thought people at the hill stations have some special charm which made them stand apart from the rest.
We went straight towards our hotel. Dad said, we were to stay at Ooty for three days and from Ooty, we were to leave for another wonderful place which he said was a surprise!
We reached the hotel and in our room, I lay on the bed, thinking about all the beautiful and mystic mountains, rivers and valleys we passed by while on our way to the hotel. Nothing could have been more pleasant a view!
I woke up early next morning and saw mom unpacking something from our luggage. Dad was as usual sipping his morning coffee. I left the bed and went to the balcony. The picturesque outside was simply irresistible. I went back into the room and said, “Maa, I am going for a walk, will be back in a few minutes!”
Mom said, “Come back in one hour, the guide we have hired will be coming here and we have to go along with him. He has stayed here since forty years and knows each and everything about this place!”
Once coming out of the hotel, I remembered seeing a market from the balcony on the left side. Turning left I started my walk. A few minutes of walk and I was amidst lots of people in the market. I could see the shops which could only been at such places. The tea shop and some old men sitting outside on a bench, discussing worldly affairs, vegetable shops, restaurants and what not. It was a pleasant view to watch this place, something different from the usual shopping malls in my horribly polluted city! There were many other shops which sold things which tourists buy and while going through all these shops, my eyes fell on a board which read “Lakeside Book House”.
Being a voracious reader a thought struck me to check out whether hills stations sell the latest novels and periodicals compared to the cities or not. The door was shut, I tried to push open it couldn’t. Suddenly, the door came towards me and hit me on my head. I slipped off the stair on which I stood and fell down. When I looked up, I saw the most beautiful face I came across in my life!
I ha no idea in which world I was, for a few minutes. I kept on staring at her and someone standing nearby came to help me stand back on my feet. Back to my conscious, I saw the girl giggling as if unable to control her laugh.
“I am really sorry, the door opens outside!” she said.
Wow! What a sweet voice she had.
She looked wonderful in a black T-shirt, blue jeans, white shoes and pair of spectacles which indicated her to be someone who was interested in reading.
“Its okay!” I said. “I am new here, just arrived yesterday, thought of taking a stroll in the market and saw this book shop here.” I explained.
“Oh! Okay… Have a good stay, I need to go now. Bye!” she smiled and went away as though she was in great hurry.
I was going through the some magazines at the book shop and suddenly it struck me that, I had forgotten to put the medicine kit while packing our luggage. An old aunty sat at the counter, which indicated that it was her shop. I asked if there was a chemist nearby. She asked me to go six shops away from her shop in the right side. I thanked her and followed what she had said. The chemist shop was visible from where I stood, I saw the same girl whom I met outside the book shop!
I went to the shop and stood near her.
“We meet again!” I said.
“Hi! Looks like the change in weather brought you here.” She replied.
“Nope… came here to buy some general medicines, I forgot to put my box of medicines while packing.”
“Oh! So, how many days are you going to spend in Ooty?”
“Three!” I replied.
“And you are here with?”
“Mom and dad.”
“Are you here on a visit too?” I asked.
“No, I stay here, my home is behind this market.”
“Wow! That’s so cool Meera. I always wished to stay at a hill station. You’re a lucky girl!”
“I see, you have a good observation power”
“And I see you’re quite intelligent to make that out. But anyway, that tattoo on the left wrist could be seen by anybody while talking to you!” I said.
“But does that prove my name is Meera?”
“Maybe yes, maybe no… It was just a silly guess though. But I really liked the name, suits your personality. I’ll call you Meera for the next three days!”
“Ah! Really? And what makes you think we’ll be meeting each other everyday for the next three days?”
“This wonderful place makes me think we’ll meet each other till I am here. Now that I know you, someone who stays here, you can show me some of the special places in Ooty!”
“Sorry! I am not a guide… Moreover, I think you should spend time with your parents. After all, you’re here to spend some good moments with them. Right?”
“Correct! we have hired a guide who’ll be with us till the end of our stay. And it’ll be fantastic to spend three long days with grandpa! You’re right; I should be with him rather than you.”
She giggled and her eyes looked mystic with that expression.
“Alright! Meet me at the book shop at 10. I am your guide for three days!”
“Deal!” I said and came back to my hotel room.
“I think I’ll be on my own in Ooty. You guys go with the guide.” I told dad.
“What makes you think I’ll allow you to roam alone in this unknown place?” asked dad.
“Please dad, I want to explore this place alone. Let me go!” I lied.
“Let him do what he wants” Mom said, as she came in. “The guide is here, lets leave!”
I was ready and reached the book shop by 10. Meera was already standing there. I apologized for being late and asked her where do we start from?
“Emerald Lake!” she replied. “It is one of the most beautiful lakes here. Lets go boating, what say?”
We were in a boat and talking to each other. In fact, it was she who was doing all the talking and I just kept on staring at her, but I did shook my head, just to make her feel I was listening. She looked like the early morning and her eyes were like dewdrops on the tip of the grass. This time she did not wear her specs.
“You know what? I haven’t come across any girl as beautiful as you are!” I said.
She stopped. I felt everything came to a stand still and thought how silly of me to say that.
“I am sorry, but I just said what I felt. I apologize if you felt bad!”
“Oh! No, its alright… thank you for the compliment in fact!” she smiled and looked away.
After boating, we went to a nearby ice cream parlour. We talked on almost all the topics on earth, we shared our views and opinions, and we debated on certain things which we disagreed on.
The only topic on which we did not talk about was ourselves. When I realized that, I asked her about her background and likes and dislikes to which she replied.
“Its better we just remain stranger friends. Why do you want to know about me when you’re here for just three days? Who knows when will you come here again? You call me Meera... right? That’s it! Did I ask anything about you? I haven’t even asked your name!”
“Fine… I don’t mind. I won’t ask anything about you. Just for your information, my name is Aditya!”
“Nice name!” she said.
“Thank you, now what next?”
“Let me take you to the water falls. Its my personal favourite place in Ooty!”
“That sounds good. Lets go!”
We were again talking to each other during the walk. I was thinking about how to know more of her. As time passed by, I started to like her more and more. I wanted to spend as much time possible with her.
We were at the falls and the site was just amazing. I wished to tell her how much I liked her, but the way her mood changed at the lake stopped me from expressing myself.
We went to a restaurant which she suggested and after having a delicious meal, we departed from there. She had asked me to meet her again at the book shop like we did in the morning.
Back in my hotel room, I saw mom and dad were not back yet. I jumped onto the bed, closed my eyes and thought of Meera, her beautiful face, her mystic eyes, the way she smiled and her voice. I wanted to know more about her. Who was she? Where did she live? Why does she not want to reveal anything about her? I want to know!! Again… I saw Meera, smiling at me and going away as if she’d never come back.
When I opened my eyes, it was already morning. I realized I fell asleep thinking about Meera. Mom and dad were all ready to go. Dad said the guide would be here any minute and asked me if I’d like to spend the day with them or not. But without hesitating I replied, “Sorry dad, you guys go ahead!”
At 10 AM, I reached the book shop. Again, Meera was there before me. I asked her about the day’s program and she said “Today I’ll show you the Hill side view point, it is a very beautiful place and mostly all those who are in love visit the place. You’ll get to see lots of love birds at that place!” and laughed.
I just noticed her clearly and she looked ravishingly beautiful. She wore a black dress, her hair was open today, she did not tie them and her specs were again in front of her eyes.
“We’ll then go to the Doddabetta Peak which is a very famous place here and then I’ll show you some historic places and some schools of Ooty!”
“That again sounds really good!” I said “Let’s go!”
There were heaps of couples at the hill side view point and we were having fun teasing and mocking some of the love birds who looked really funny and ones who were expressing their love in the open. The moment we thought its not safe anymore for us to stay there, we left the place to the Doddabetta Peak.
We had our lunch at a restaurant near the Peak and just before evening we went to the Peak where we could see the sunset. Its difficult to describe the view and we just stood there and stared at it. I, then turned my face at her and she was still looking at the sunset. The pink rays of the sun illuminated her face and made her look all the more gorgeous. I decided to follow her without her knowing, to find where she stayed. From the peak, we went to see some schools and historic places of Ooty. It was already dark and she said she had to leave. But, this time she thanked me before leaving and said, she never had such an amazing time since long time and that she would never forget the day ever. She turned and starting walking back to her house. I turned back to go to my hotel, but then again turned and started following her. We had considerable amount of distance between us. I was confident that she would not know I was following her. Suddenly, she turned left and opened the gate of a huge bunglow. I watched her from a distance and I could see the name of the bunglow on the sign board outside.
In big letters it read “Sunflower Villa”. I thought of going in and giving her a surprise, but then cancelled my plan, thinking that it would break the trust that she had on me. I walked back to my hotel. Mom and dad were already there, mom showed me some clothes which she bought for me.
I thanked her and said I was feeling very tired, off I went to bed. As I closed my eyes, I saw Meera!
And again the same thought came to my mind. Who was she?
I woke up. It was my last day in Ooty and last day of meeting Meera. Again she stood near the book shop. As I went near her, she smiled at me and said. “Last day huh?” “Don’t know when do we meet again, so lets make it a special meet!”
“I am ready!” I replied. I had thought of some things which I’d make clear before I went back.
She said she’d take me to the most beautiful place I’d have ever seen. She did not tell me the name of the place. When we reached the place, I could not believe my eyes. The valley looked extravagant. I could see clouds near me from the place where I stood. It looked like heaven. I even saw the rainbow. We spent the whole day near the valley. There were very less people at that place.
It was evening and I told her I wanted to see the valley again. We went to the same place where we stood in the morning. I did not waste time, I took her hand and said.
“Meera, I love you, I love you from the core of my heart and I can’t live without you. Your face haunts me everytime I close my eyes. I am sorry and I don’t know what your reaction would be and I just don’t care what you feel about me. I couldn’t keep this inside me. I love you and will love you till the end of my life!”
She smiled at my outburst and moved her hand through my hair. She said, “Aditya, you know what? You are the nicest person I have ever met! I like you too, but we can never be one. There is huge difference between us. You’ll never know. Only I know.” And she kissed me.
Meera, then walked away and I stood there gazing her as she went back. Suddenly, when she was out of sight, I regained my consciousness and tried to follow her. But she was already out of my view. I too went back to my hotel room and straight into my bed. Closing my eyes, I thought what Meera had said. What was the difference she was talking about? I thought, but couldn’t get any idea. And why did she say I would never know about the difference?
We were to leave next morning, but I decided to meet Meera at her place. I went to the bunglow, the very same “Sunflower Villa”. I opened the gate and went inside. The door was locked and feeling sad, I started walking back. An old man with a bouquet of flowers in his hand was passing by, I stopped him and asked. “Uncle, do you know Meera who stays here in Sunflower Villa?”
I got the shock of my life when the old man replied.
“Who doesn’t know the story of Sunflower Villa here? The wealthy couple and their beautiful daughter died in a plane crash last month. The house is locked since then, but some people say they have seen ghosts around the house and some nearby places!”
And thus, I realised the "difference" between us and got the answer to the question which haunted me again and again since past three days, "Who was Meera?"